Hello There!
You might be pretty confused right now, and that's ok! Take a deep breath. In for 4, hold for 5, out for 7.
This is carrd is going to help explain some things to you and offer you some further resources.
But first, do you know what a system is?
You know what a system is
You know of the basics of systems and plurality, that's great!
Moving on from that, as I'm sure you're aware;You are a headmate, or alter, amongst a system!You might be new to the system, or maybe you just woke from dormancy, and that's alright. Things may be different and new to you. Take your time to look around and process everything!The year is 2023, and this planet is planet Earth, within the Milky Way. Currently, there is a worldwide pandemic happening, called COVID-19, or the Coronavirus. It's in your best interest to wear a mask in public spaces, and limit the amount of time out of your place of residence for the safety of everyone including yourself.
You are here!
And this is the time!The body you are in currently is being shared among other people! They may help you get settled in, introduce you to the norms of you&'s lives, and help you progress as an individual! You may hear voices 'speaking' to you, those may be the other people you are sharing the body with. Try not to freak out! Let them talk you through everything and explain.If you remember things from a life you may have lived before, that's alright! Your memories of that life are valid and just as real and important as the memories you will make in this body! But it is also important to remember to stay grounded and in this present moment. Drowning in a pool of memories is not the greatest experience when trying to stay calm.If you are worried about needing to rush to figure out who you are and what you belong to, let me reassure you that there is absolutely no rush. Finding your identity and who you are as an individual is not always easy, and takes time amongst yourself. You can take as long as you need to discover yourself and take everything in. No one will judge you if you take longer than others!In the same breath, if you already know who you are and where you stand, that's great! You're doing great, and you can move on to other things you find important.If you're feeling anxious or panicky, and your heart is beating fast, take a few deep breaths. Inhale for 4, hold for 5, exhale for 7. It doesn't matter much how long each breath actually takes, as long as you are breathing out slower than you drew in.When you're calmer and sure you're ready, feel free to check out the rest of what this carrd has to offer! Below there are some step-by-step setup options for registering yourself as a system member.
You don't know what a system is
Alright, you don't know what a system is. That's ok! I'll introduce you to the basics, then go on from there.To begin, a system is a collection of multiple people and/or entities sharing one body. This could be due to disorders such as DID or OSDD, or it could be due to metaphysical reasons, you could be brought here intentionally, or so much more!An alter is the clinical term for a person inside a system, while a headmate/sysmate is a non-clinical alternative. You can choose which one you prefer!You are a headmate, or alter, amongst a system!You may hear voices 'speaking' to you, those may be the other people you are sharing the body with. They may help you get settled in, introduce you to the norms of you&'s lives, and help you progress as an individual. Try not to freak out! Let them talk you through everything and explain.You might be new to the system, or maybe you just woke from dormancy, and that's alright. Things may be different and new to you. Take your time to look around and process everything!The year is 2023, and this planet is planet Earth, within the Milky Way. Currently, there is a worldwide pandemic happening, called COVID-19, or the Coronavirus. It's in your best interest to wear a mask in public spaces, and limit the amount of time out of your place of residence for the safety of everyone including yourself.
You are here!
And this is the time!If you remember things from a life you may have lived before, that's alright! Your memories of that life are valid and just as real and important as the memories you will make in this body! But it is also important to remember to stay grounded and in this present moment. Drowning in a pool of memories is not the greatest experience when trying to stay calm.If you are worried about needing to rush to figure out who you are and what you belong to, let me reassure you that there is absolutely no rush. Finding your identity and who you are as an individual is not always easy, and takes time amongst yourself. You can take as long as you need to discover yourself and take everything in. No one will judge you if you take longer than others!In the same breath, if you already know who you are and where you stand, that's great! You're doing great, and you can move on to other things you find important.If you're feeling anxious or panicky, and your heart is beating fast, take a few deep breaths. Inhale for 4, hold for 5, exhale for 7. It doesn't matter much how long each breath actually takes, as long as you are breathing out slower than you drew in.You may also feel like your head is full of cotten or static, or maybe you feel fuzzy and thinking clearly is a bit harder for you. If this is the case, you might be dissociated.Dissociation is the disconnection between your thoughts, feelings, and sense of self. It may be the cause of your head feeling full, fuzzy, or static-y. It can cause confusion and disorientation, and make it very hard to concentrate on things or process words, feelings, and actions.If you feel like you're having an emergency, check out our CRISIS tab. If you feel like you're not real or you're dreaming, check out our GROUNDING tab.If you're interested in learning more about systems, and feel like you're ready to process more complex info, check out any of these sources!
Endogenic Systems Carrd
Plural Dictionary Carrd
Plural Resources JumpstartWhen you're calmer and sure you're ready, feel free to check out the rest of what this carrd has to offer! Below there are some step-by-step setup options for registering yourself as a system member.
If you feel like nothing is real
I can assure you that this is all real, and that you are real. It can be difficult to convince yourself that at times, as dissociation and depersonalization can make you confused and scared and unable to truly tell.
But here are some ways to help you assure yourself that you are real and alright.1. Read this sentence. Now look away, then look back again. If you're dreaming, this bullet wouldn't say "Read this sentence" anymore.2. Try to poke through your hand. Use one finger and push into the middle of the opposite palm. If it doesn't go through the hand, you're not dreaming.3. If you can, ask someone to tell you a fun fact. Try to guess what they'll tell you before they do. If you're dreaming, you'll usually know what they'll say before they do.4. Check if you're breathing. If you hold your breath, do you need to breathe again in 2 minutes or less? When you exhale on a mirror, is there condensation? Only living and real beings breathe, and you usually don't breathe in dreams.5. Try to float. See if you can float with your body a foot off the ground in the outer world for a full minute. Awake/alive/real people don't float.
The 5-4-3-2-1 Technique5. Name five things you see around you
Maybe you see a colour, maybe you see nail polish on your fingernails, maybe you see an out of place object. Think about what it looks like.4. Name four things you can touch around you
Can you feel the texture of your skin? How about your hair? Or the texture of your shirt?
What does it feel like?3. Name three things you can hear
Is there music playing? Or a TV? How about the low hum of an air conditioner?
Is it loud? Or quiet?2. Name two things you can smell--
Is someone cooking something nearby? Maybe you have a candle lit? Or the detergent from your shirt?
Do you like that smell? Why?1. Name one thing you can taste--
Maybe you've eaten something recently, is the taste still in your mouth?
What have you eaten?Strong InputSometimes strong sensations can help remind you that you are here and in the present. Pain, however, is not included in this, as it can make grounding harder. Hurting yourself will not help yourself.Try holding some ice in your hands, or putting an ice cube on your tongue.
Or maybe you can wash your hands with hot or cold water.
Can you eat/drink something really sour?
You can also rub your hands together quickly, the friction will warm them up.Stimming
Stimming is self-stimulatory behavior, such as fidgeting!
If you already have some favourite stims/movements, go ahead and try those first.
But if not, you can try flapping your hands, shaking your head, chewing gum, humming, tapping your foot, bouncing your leg, or others!Controlled BreathingBreathe along to this GIF!

Heavy Credits to the Solar System for a majority of this section! Check out their twitter here!
If you feel like you're having a crisis
Take some deep, slow breaths. You're gonna be alright, there are people out there willing to help you. If you feel like you're at risk to hurt yourself or others, please contact an emergency line immediately. Below are some other resources you can use to help yourself.Text LinesCrisis Text Line: Text "GO" to 741741 [USA]
Crisis Text Line: Text "MATTERS" to 741741 [USA]
Trevor Chat: Text "Trevor" to 1-202-304-1200 [LGBT; USA]
BC211: Text your city to 211 [Canada]
YouthSpace: Text 778-783-0177 [Canada]
Hopeline: Text 07786 20 96 97 [UK]
Samaritans: Text 07725 90 90 90 [UK]Long list of suicide call lines World WideOther Helpful ResourcesOpen Counseling - UK
Signs of Physically Abusive Relationships
Signs of Emotionally Abusive Relationships
Signs of Abuse - General
Eating Disorder Help
The Trevor Project Website - LGBT Suicide Prevention
Free Chest Binder Programs
NAMI - National Alliance on Mental Illness
National Runaway SafelinePlaces to VentEmotional Baggage Check
MuttrThings to De-StressBongo Cat - Interactive
A Soft Murmur - Background Noise Maker
How to set up a PluralKit profile
Now, you're feeling calm and ready to setup a profile for yourself. On discord, plurals/systems often use a bot called Pluralkit [shortened to PK] to register system members, keep track fronters and groups, and so each system member has the ability to talk as theirself individually!In every command shown here, you can remove the [ ] surrounding text. They're a placeholder and not needed in the command.To get started, do pk;m new [name]
Ex: pk;m new Daze
[You can shorten it to just pk;m n [name]
if you would like!]
You don't need to add anything else to that at the moment, we'll worry about that later.After that, it's time to set up a proxy.
A proxy is what you put before, after, or around your text to make the bot understand you want to talk as yourself.The command for it is pk;m [name] proxy add [proxy:] text
Having the word 'text' is required for the bot to register it correctly
Ex: pk;m Daze proxy daze- text
Your proxy can be a letter, your name, a symbol, or even an emoji. You can also also have multiple different proxies! Just run this command;
pk;m Daze proxy add text -daze
which would make my messages proxy if I put -daze at the end of my messages, just like if I put it first! Make sure you put add
after proxy
, otherwise it won't keep both proxies.The next important step is setting up your icon!
pk;m [name] icon [picture URL, or attach the picture with the message]
It will also work if you put "avatar"
instead of "icon"
If you would like some help making an icon for yourself, because you can't find one pre-existing or can't find one you like, check out this masterlist for some avatar creators!This is the basic run-of-the-mill commands to setting yourself up in PK, but if you'd like to to go a little further, here are some more, a bit more complex commands:If you'd like to have more than just your name shown, such as your pronouns, what emoji you associate yourself with, or other info, you can run the
pk;m [name] dn [name you want shown]
Ex: pk;m Daze dn Daze☄️[they/ae/it/he] || Host
If you'd like PK to just automatically proxy you, you can do
pk;ap front
, pk;ap latch
, or pk;ap [name]
pk;ap front
will make the bot auto proxy the first registered fronter.You can register whos fronting, with pk;sw [name]
, and even put in multiple names if people are with you.
example: pk;sw daze
/ pk;sw daze dabi wilburr
Note: PK will only latch to the FIRST name you put in the command, if you put multiple names. So that means that it would proxy for Daze, not Dabi or Wilburr.pk;ap latch
causes the last proxied message to be the member it autoproxies too.
Ex: After typing daze- Hello!
it will continue to proxy for Daze on its own.
This will stop working after a few hours though, which you can fix with pk;ap timeout disable
pk;ap [name]
will make it auto proxy only to the member who's name is put.There's also commands that can add information to your member profile, which you can view by typing pk;m [name]
To add your pronouns, there's pk;m [name] pronouns [pronouns]
Ex: pk;m daze pronouns they/them/theirs ae/aem/aers it/its/itself he/him/his
Note: There's no "correct" format for pronouns, you can put whatever you'd like!If you would like some help finding some pronouns, because you feel he, she, or they don't fit, check out this site and/or this one!If you remember your birthday, you can do pk;m [name] birthday [date]
Ex: pk;m daze birthday Dec 10th
You can also put a description about yourself with pk;m [name] description [description]
Note: pk;m [name] desc
works as well!Some people like to be simple with their descriptions, some people like to be fancy with them. Its entirely up to you! But if you don't know what you want, you can use this basic template!~- ,. 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒 .,-~
~- ,. 𝐒𝐘𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐌 .,-~
~- ,. 𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀 .,-~
**Source talk?**:
**Typing quirk?**:
[nonverbal, semi-verbal, etc]
How to set up a Tupperbox profile
Now, you're feeling calm and ready to setup a profile for yourself. On discord, plurals/systems often use a bot called Tupperbox [shortened to Tupper] to register system members, keep track fronters and groups, and so each system member has the ability to talk as theirself individually!In every command shown here, you can remove the [ ] surrounding text. They're a placeholder and not needed in the command.To get started, do tul!register [name]
Ex: tul!register Daze
[You can shorten it to just pk;m n [name]
if you would like!]
You don't need to add anything else to that at the moment, we'll worry about that later.After that, it's time to set up a proxy.
A proxy is what you put before, after, or around your text to make the bot understand you want to talk as yourself.The command for it is tul!brackets [name] [proxy:] text
Having the word 'text' is required for the bot to register it correctly
Ex: tul!brakcets Daze daze- text
Your proxy can be a letter, your name, a symbol, or even an emoji!The next important step is setting up your icon!
tul!avatar [name] [picture URL, or attach the picture with the message]
If you would like some help making an icon for yourself, because you can't find one pre-existing or can't find one you like, check out this masterlist for some avatar creators!This is the basic run-of-the-mill commands to setting yourself up in Tupper, but if you'd like to to go a little further, here are some more, a bit more complex commands:If you'd like to have more than just your name shown, such as your pronouns, what emoji you associate yourself with, or other info, you can run the
tul!nick [name] [name you want shown]
Ex: tul!nick Daze Daze☄️[they/ae/it/he] || Host
If you'd like Tupper to just automatically proxy you, you can do
tul!auto sticky
or tul!auto [name]
tul!auto sticky
causes the last proxied message to be the member it autoproxies too.
Ex: After typing daze- Hello!
it will continue to proxy for Daze on its own.There is also tul!auto sticky global
which will cause whoever is being proxied, to also be proxied in every server you're in, so you don't need to re-sticky to a member in every server.tul!auto [name]
will make it auto proxy only to the member who's name is put.There's also commands that can add information to your member profile, which you can view by typing tul!find [name]
If you remember your birthday, you can do tul!birthday [name] [MM/DD/YYYY]
Ex: tul!birthday daze 12/10/2004
You can also put a description about yourself with tul!describe [name][description]
Some people like to be simple with their descriptions, some people like to be fancy with them. Its entirely up to you! But if you don't know what you want, you can use this basic template!~- ,. 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒 .,-~
~- ,. 𝐒𝐘𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐌 .,-~
~- ,. 𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀 .,-~
**Source talk?**:
**Typing quirk?**:
[nonverbal, semi-verbal, etc]If you would like some help finding some pronouns, because you feel he, she, or they don't fit, check out this site and/or this one!
How to set up a SimplyPlural profile
Now, you're feeling calm and ready to setup a profile for yourself. Some plurals/systems use a mobile app called SimplyPlural to manage information about themselves. The icon looks like this:

Open the app, and click through the images below to get a rundown of how to add yourself as a member!